Thursday, September 8, 2011

Significance of Mobile Web Pages - The Simplest Way

Mobile web are typically light weight web pages that can be downloaded on the handsets. It can be accessed through a mobile browser and displayed on the screen on the mobile phone (your smartphone). This information is usually in different formats (HTML or XML) and could be linked to other mobile web pages with the help of other web pages via hypertext links. Unlike desktop web pages, mobile web pages do contain other resources, however not in that proportion; the resources used are light and easily downloaded, like style sheets, scripts and images into their final presentations.

In these times, every business looks forward to develop Mobile web pages to promote their business and advertising operations online. Even mid size and small companies also invests in this kind of advertising strategies. Web mobile page is more or less free or does not require much cost investment and time as well. It generates better results for the businesses as well. It actually draws attention of wide range of audience than the traditional type of advertising strategies.

Now-a-days, smartphones has become so common among the masses that everyone wants to use internet on their palm. Hence, it has become popular and indispensable among the business owners to get mobile web page. There are certain ways that allows Website Designer or Developer develops Mobile web, to get a proper professional looking mobile web pages.

The style and form of the mobile web page, needs to be taken care of when developing a mobile web page. Things like screens, browsers, sizes and even connection speed is required to be checked. Visual consistency with the users are required to kept under consideration to make a brand stronger and it also reassures the users that they are using or with the brand worth their money.

There are other significant features while developing mobile web pages, like images, as the desktop images cannot be pushed in case of mobile, hence the size of the image needs to be reducing upto a certain standard. Also, another major point to consider here is that users do not wish to type on the mobile handsets (even on the high end handsets), hence this might sometimes increase the bounce rates, even for the beautifully and professionally developed mobile web page.

It is one of the mandatory requirements for a web developer to put ‘footer’ to the full website in every mobile web page, since users cannot see the entire content in a mobile version of the website. Users follows a link to get to the required content, hence it is also suggestive to break the link.

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